
  • Every parent-to-be dreams about a ‘perfect’ pregnancy. An uncomplicated delivery, giving birth to a perfectly developed, normal and healthy baby is also part of the expectation.


    The possibility that something may go wrong and the baby may arrive just a little too early is something that ‘happens to other people’.  


    However, if you are reading this, it probably means that your pregnancy took a bit of a different path...  


    This does not mean that your baby is any less perfect than a healthy full term newborn, it just means that she may need a bit of special care and that the NICU is most likely part of this journey.



  • image: 15bc7851-134e-49fb-b6c7-bda533b19b26.png
  • Dr Wilma Kotzé, Professor Emeritus
    Nelson Mandela University

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