

    Obami FAQ's







    What is the Obami Platform? 

    A blend of powerful content, community and assessment tools  

    Obami capabilities 











    What does it do?   

    It enables organisations to create and distribute personalised learning interventions, anywhere, anytime and on any device

     See our work 







    Are there other services?  

    We offer consultation, instructional design, content management and digitisation services

      Complementary Services 





    How much does Obami cost? 

    How long do you want it for? 
    Pay per user with PayPal, Payfast or EFT on a month 
    or annual basis. 

     Use the Obami Pricing Tool  



  • Next steps?

    We believe sharing what you are trying to achieve is the best place for everyone to start.  You need to know if the platform is right for you.  




       Schedule a Demo  



  • or just start! 



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